In September 1945, the “Commando Regiment” is back in Belgium and settles in Marche-les-Dames, Namur and later also in Seilles.
By Decree of the Regent N° 2837 of August 26th, 1946 assigns a Standard to the Regiment and, on October 22 of the same year, during a ceremony in the Palace of Brussels, Lieutenant-colonel G. Danloy receives the Standard with the mentions ITALY, YUGOSLAVIA and WALCHEREN from the Prince regent.
On April 1st, 1951, the “Commando Regiment” changes name and bears the name of “Commando Battalion”. During a few months, it will be even called “1st Commando Battalion”.
In 1955, the unit takes the name of 2nd Commando Battalion.
As from 1953, the 2nd Commando Battalion actively participates in the “African period, by ensuring the training to many detachments intended for the Kamina Base (BAKA), the Kitona Base (BAKI) in Belgian Congo and Rwanda.
At that time, the Battalion consists of two infantry Companies (1st and 2nd Company) and of a Staff and Services Company (E.M.S.).
As a result of the mutiny of January 59, the Battalion is sent with the utmost urgency to Leopoldville where its stays approximately one month. It is the first time that a Belgian unit is sent abroad without pre-alarm. Awaked in the night of January 10th, the Commandos fly at the end of the afternoon towards Belgian Congo on board of a SABENA plane. A part of the officers, non-commissioned officers and the conscripts form then the 4th Commando Battalion which settles in the base BAKI in Low-Congo
In February 1960, the 2nd Commando Battalion moves to BAKA, (the conscripts have three months of service), remains there two months to ended its instruction and to obtain the licence “A” Para brevet (License for the first Battalion without jump refusal), and then settles in the base BAKI. Once more, part of the officers, non-commissioned officers and the conscripts remains in BAKI and forms a new Battalion, the 6th Commando Battalion.
Until February 62, the 2nd Commando Battalion give the basis training in Belgian and sends officers, non-commissioned officers and conscripts to the 4th Commando Battalion stationed in Rwanda.
After the “African period”, the 2nd Commando Battalion is organised in three infantry Companies (12th, 14th and 16th Company) and a Staff and services Company. From 16 to 30 November 1964, a fraction of the Staff and the 12th Company take part with the 1st Parachutist Battalion to the humanitarian operation in Stanleyville and Paulis in Congo. The detachment is mentioned in dispatches.
From 16 to 30 November 1964, a fraction of the Staff and the 12th Company together with the 1st Parachutist Battalion took part in the humanitarian operation in Stanleyville and Paulis in Congo. The detachment receives an honorable mention on the Order of the Belgian Armed Forces.
…the 12 Company of the 2 Commando Battalion.
“From November 24 to 27, 1964, having shown a high degree of coolness, drive and discipline in the accomplishment of a delicate and dangerous mission to liberate Belgian and foreign civilians held as hostages in Stanleyville and Paulis”
Since 1966, the 2nd Commando Battalion has participated regularly in the exercices Ace Mobile Forces (Land) (AMF(L)) like the other units of the Para-Commando Regiment in Denmark, Greece, Italy and Turkey.
From June to August 1974, a detachment (30) carried out a humanitarian mission for the benefit of the starving population of the Sahel.

In 1975 the 12th Company was deployed to help the farmers as a result of the flood. It stays for a week in a building of a flax farmer in Jodoigne. Every day recuperation of the flax on a predetermined field. During a mission in Beuzet, along the N4 runway, we received an unexpected visit from the Commander Regiment.
In 1976, as a result of the floods, the Battalion was deployed to Ruisbroek. Just handling bags and always more bags again of sand.
In 1978, the 14th Company and the 4″2 mortar platoon (216 men) take part in the humanitarian operation in Shaba (Kolwezi) “Red Bean” with in the Para-Commando Regiment.
The detachment is mentioned in dispatches:
The Para-commando Anti-tank Company.
The 14th Company and the Mortar platoon of the 2nd Commando Battalion.
From 19 May to 10 July 1978, to have shown coolness and remarkable discipline and effectiveness in the achievement of a mission of liberation and protection of Belgians and Foreigners whose life was threatened, in Shaba and more particularly in Kolwezi.
In 1979, alarmed about a possible recurrence of the Kolwezi events, the 2nd Commando Battalion was assigned to train the Armed Forces in Zaïre. It was linked to a deterrence mission in Lower Zaire. This is codenamed “Green Apple”. The Battalion joins the base BAKI at Kitona from 12th February and will stay there until March 30y. The Commander Battalion was Lieutenant-Colonel PSC R. De Clerck.
In 1985, the Battalion was reinforced by the Gendarmerie and carried out security patrols to protect the population from terrorist attacks (C.C.C.).
On 4 October 1990, operation “Green Bean”. The Battalion reinforced with a Company of the 3rd Parachutist Battalion and a platoon of the Para-Commando Recce Squadron is sent to Kigali in Rwanda.
Mission: to control the airfield to prevent the Tutsi insurgents and to seize it, and, if necessary, allow the evacuation of Belgian Nationals. The mission ends on 31 October.
September 1991, operation “Blue Beam” in Zaïre, the Para-Commando Regiment is sent there to protect and evacuate the Belgian Nationals. On 27 October, the 16th Company was sent to Libreville in Gabon as a reserve
In April 1993, the 2nd Commando Battalion with the Para- Commando Field Artillery Battery in Somalia, Kismayo, take over the command of the 1st Parachutist Battalion. Within the framework of the mission “Restore Hope”–“UNOSOM II”, under the Control of the United Nations on May 4, 1993, the Battalion and the Para-Commando Field Artillery Battery are the first Units of the Para-Commando Brigade to wear the blue beret of the United Nations. Commander of the mission, Lieutenant-Colonel Van de Weghe.
In March 1994, the Battalion in Rwanda takes over the mission of the 1st Parachutist Battalion within the framework of mission “UNAMIR”, once more under the control of the U.N. On April 6, the President of Rwanda is assassinated. That results in massacres without precedent in the country. On April 7, Mrs Agathe Uwilingiyimana, Prime Minister of Rwanda is assassinated, with her children, by soldiers of the Presidential Guard. A Section of the Mortar platoon, in charge of her protection, tried in vain to protect the escape of the Prime Minister. Arrested by Rwandan soldiers, superiors in numbers, the Section is led to a camp of the Rwanda Army where it will be murdered.
On April 19, the Belgian Government decides to withdraw the Belgian Commandos of the mission “UNAMIR” and there follows the operation “Blue Safari”: 16 C-130 sorties of the 15th Wing of transport of the Belgian Air Force allow the 2nd Commando Battalion to get out of Kigali in less than 5 hours.
On January 1, 1995, the name of the Battalion changed again from : 2nd Bataillon Commando to « 2nd Battalion of Commandos ».
In 1997 from April 19 to June 4, under the orders of Lieutenant-Colonel PSC ADAM, the entire 2nd Battalion of Commandos and the Para-Commando Field Artillery Battery (By FA Para-Cdo) as the 4th Company participates in the mission “GREEN STREAM” in Congo-Brazzaville (Pointe Noire). In anticipation of the evacuation of expatriates in ex-Zaïre, in coordination with the Para-Commando Brigade and US, FR and UK foreign units.
1999, from April 17, the Battalion and a detachment of the By FA Para-Cdo flew to Albania to participate in the humanitarian operation AMF(L) “Allied Harbour” to escort and protect convoys of Kosovar refugees between Kukës and Mjede. after a short stay in Kosovo, the Battalion returns to Belgium from July 17th. The half of the 210 Para-Commando Logistics Company had the responsibility to supply the Battalion.
From November 25, 2002 to April 2, 2003, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel PSC A. MAES, the “2nd Battalion of Commandos” participates in the mission for security and peacekeeping of the ONU “BELUKROKO XI” in Kosovo. To cooperate with UNMIR and its police for the preservation of peace in the zone (A.O.R.) assigned to it, namely Opstina and Leposavic and on the other hand the valley of Stari Trg in the north of Kosovo.
From January 30th till June 15th 2004, the 2nd Battalion of Commandos has been deployed in Democratic Republic of Congo (RDC) for a training mission on the “PSO” (peacekeeping operations) technics at the 1st Congolese Brigade (three Battalions). In the frame to rebuild the F.A.R.D.C. (Congolese Armed Forces). Commander of the Battalion, Lieutenant-Colonel PSC Pascal. Laureys.
The 16th Company, detachment of the “2nd Battalion of Commandos” participates in the mission BELUFIL 10 in the south of Lebanon and this in the framework of the United Nations Temporary Force in Lebanon (FINUL) from mid-October 2009 to the end of February 2010. Commander of the detachment, Major Luc Lemaire, 2nd in command of the Battalion .
With their colleagues from the other units, their mission consisted mainly of ensuring the safety of the Belgian contingent, both within the installations of the Camp SCORPION in Tibnin. During the missions to protect the Engineers, or during the various convoys and movements. They were under command of the 11th Engineer Battalion.
From November 2004 to March 2005, a detachment of the “2nd Battalion of Commandos” in the lap of the 1st Parachutist Battalion participated in the mission of securing the organized elections under the protection of the United Nations.
The “2nd Battalion of Commandos” stayed at Kabul in Afghanistan since mid-February 2008 for the BELU-ISAF (International Security Assistance Forces) mission and remained there until the beginning of July 2008. Its mission, continue the surveillance and the operationality of the airport at Kabul.
The general task of ISAF 16 was to assist the Government in obtaining a climate of stability in the region of Kabul and the whole region of Afghanistan. The “2nd Battalion of Commandos” as a pilot unit provided, most of the personnel of the detachment with protection.
Command of the detachment, Major Xavier. Van de Werve, Operations Officer of the Battalion.
From Dec 29, 2009 to July 2010, the 2nd Battalion of Commandos participates in the ISAF mission in Afghanistan.
It provides the OMLT 3 (Operational Mentoring and Liaison Team) detachment under command of Lieutenant-Colonel PSC C. CLOSSET.
The detachment is stationed at KUNDUZ in North Afghanistan.
Its mission is to supervise and support a combat Battalion of the Afghan National Army, both in training and in operations.
From 21 November to 11 December 2010 a detachment of the “2nd Battalion of Commandos” and Congolese soldiers, under command of Major Thierry LANDAS, are on an expedition in the northwest of the RDC, to search for a helicopter H-21B and the three Belgian crew members. Who disappeared in 1964 in the equatorial forest in the BUTA region. In fact (12 out of 34 left on November 21) 13 (2Cdo) and 3 (CTrg Cdo) left on November 9 + the Commandant MAURER on November 8, everyone joined Belgium on December 18th of 2010.
URR 1 was carried out by the 3rd Parachutist Battalion. From the beginning of October 2011 to the beginning of April 2012. 72 Commandos of the 2nd Battalion of Commandos together with 11 additional soldiers in reinforcement for certain functions (including: doctor, etc….) stay at Kindu on horseback on the Lualaba river in the Maniema in Democratic Republic of Congo (RDC) under command of Lieutenant-Colonel PSC Jean-Marc Vermeulen. The mission consists to train the Congolese 322nd Battalion Commando for six months. This Battalion will afterwards join its garrison at Lokandu. In order to allow a maximum of personnel of the 2nd Battalion of Commandos to participate in this assignment, it will be carried out in three rotations of two months each.
In 2014, under command of Lieutenant Colonel PSC Vincent. Pierard, the “2nd Battalion of Commandos” formed Congolese instructors who then ensured the training of the personnel in reinforcement of the units URR (Units Quick Reaction) of the RDC Army.
Since April 2015, the “2nd Battalion of Commandos” has been participating in the Homeland mission: securing various points in our capital as a result of the growing threat of terrorism.
Small detachments of the Battalion participated in reinforcement of the Special Operation Regiment in the mission “Operation Vigilant Phenix” (OVP) in IRAQ and this in support of the Special Forces Group.
July-October 2017 – 14 Commandos
October-February 2018 – 11 Commandos
February – July 2018 – 6 Commandos
May – September 2018 – 23 Commandos
September – November 2018 – 21 Commandos
Mission BFA (BURKINA FASO) Forces Protection 2019

Burkina Faso Forces Protection 2019.
Three small detachments of the Battalion took part in the mission of the Special Operation Regiment (SO Regt) in BFA.
BFA 1: February – June 2019, EIGHT Commandos.
BFA 2: May – September 2019, EIGHT Commandos.
BFA 3: September – December 2019, EIGHT Commandos.
Forces Protection 2019 and 2020.
Three detachments of the Battalion participated in the ONN (Operation New Nero) mission of the SO Regt (Special Operation Regiment) in NIGER. Training Niger units for special operations.
ONN: Maradi, March – April 2019, 10 Commandos.
ONN: Maradi, August – December 2019, 42 Commandos.
ONN: Maradi, October 2020 – January 2021, 62 Commandos.
As well 15 Commandos from September – December 2019 for CSR 2 Commandos and 2 Commandos in Afghanistan.
Small detachments of the Battalion participated in reinforcement of the Special Operation Regiment (SO Regt) in the missions.
DAS Burkina Faso N° 22/08, seven Commandos.
PPM COD Democracy Republic of Congo N° 22/08, eight Commandos.
CEFS Niger N° 22/08, five Commandos.
ONN Niger N° 22/08, one Commando.
TABUCA Mali N° 22/08, one Commando.
Le Bataillon maintenant
As a result of the restructuring of the Belgian army, the “2nd Battalion of Commandos” is one of the units with the 3rd Battalion Parachutist that form the large combat units of the Special Operation Regiment (SO Regt). They are deployed both as rapid reaction units within the ONU, of Belgium in the context of humanitarian missions and in support of the Special Forces Group. The “2nd Battalion of Commandos” actively fulfills its preparations for possible assignments in Belgium, Europe or Overseas. The demanding training stimulates the ability of adaptation and turns it into an operational inspection unit. Since the circumstances, the assignments and the possibilities have changed, the soldier has not lost the qualities of his predecessors. Commanding respect, admiration and struggle over the many years is only possible through existence and never denying the fundamental summed qualities of the word “SPIRIT”: vitality, availability, surpassing oneself, striving, ability of adaptation, fidelity to the fatherland, camaraderie, good humming, a certain dose of simplicity remain the basis of our commitment. By proving imagination and strength in his contacts and experiences, the Battalion has developed the method of the mission “HOSTAGE RESCUE “. This is in order to cope with the inevitable situations during modern conflicts.
Following the establishment of the SO Regt on 7 March 2019, the 2nd Battalion of Commandos has:
A staff Battalion.
A Company (A) Air and Land directed with a Staff and 2 Platoons (Pl).
A Company (B) Amphibian with a Staff and 2 Platoons.
A Company (SSR) Support and Special Reconnaissance with:
- A Pl mortar (Mor).
- A Pl Special Reconnaissance (SR).
- An Attack Controller Section (JTAC).
- A Section Sniper.
- A Special Operation Engineer Detachment (SOED).
A Company (HQ) with:
- A detachment support battalion (BSD).
- A Capacity Transmission Resources (NEC).
- A Medical Detachment (Med).
On his return to Belgium in September 1945, the Regiment Commando was installed at Marche-les-Dames. The conscripts are conscripted to the citadel “Terra Nova” of Namur.
In the expansion of the numerical strength, the Regiment Commando is spread over three quarters: Marche-les-Dames, citadel of Namur and the barracks of Seilles.
In 1952, two Companies (1st and 2nd) occupied the barracks of Seilles while the Staff was housed in the castle of Marche-les-Dames and the 3rd Company was stationed in the camp of Wartet.
In 1955, the 2nd Battalion Commando, which has been reduced to two infantry companies and a Staff and Services company, was housed in the citadel of Namur and remained there until 1961, the year of its move to the Olt THIBAUT barracks in Flawinne, where it is still stationed today.
The 2nd Battalion of Commandos is the direct heir of the traditions of the “4th Troop of N° 10 Inter-Allied Commando”. It wears the green beret with an insignia created in 1950 by the chaplain of that time, Padre DEVOS. Its motto is “United We Conquer”. The colours of the Unit are black and white. The personnel wear the black escutcheons with white piping (old dress), the dagger on the shoulder straps. The inscription “COMMANDO” on the top of each sleeve, the “A” Commando license on the right sleeve and the “A” Parachutist license above the right pocket.
The Battalion, bilingual since its creation, unfortunately became monolingual in 1995 (French-speaking).
On January 1st, 1995, the name of the Battalion changes again: the “2nd Commando Battalion becomes the name of “2nd Battalion of Commandos”.
Since June 4, 1972, the Battalion is sponsored by the municipality of Han-on-Lesse in the entity of Rochefort.
Corps Commanders
Lieutenant-Colonel |
G. Danloy |
27 jul 1942 |
03 nov 1951 |
Lieutenant-Colonel |
A. Renard |
03 nov 1951 |
22 oct 1957 |
Major |
P. Lemercier |
22 oct 1957 |
17 avr 1959 |
Major |
O. Janssens |
17 avr 1959 |
26 jun 1961 |
Major |
P. Lemercier |
26 jun 1961 |
25 fev 1962 |
Major |
A. Lemasson |
25 fev 1962 |
26 jun 1964 |
Major PSC |
J. Rousseaux |
26 jun 1964 |
23 mar 1967 |
Major |
A. Bruggeman |
23 mar 1967 |
21 jun 1969 |
Lieutenant-Colonel |
R. Meunier |
21 jun 1969 |
13 oct 1972 |
Lieutenant-Colonel PSC |
R. Lardin |
13 oct 1972 |
07 fev 1975 |
Lieutenant-Colonel |
J. Celis |
07 fev 1975 |
12 avr 1975 |
Lieutenant-Colonel PSC |
H. de Maere d’Aertrycke |
09 jun 1975 |
23 jun 1978 |
Lieutenant-Colonel PSC |
R. De Clerck |
23 jun 1978 |
04 jul 1980 |
Lieutenant-Colonel PSC |
L. Henrot |
04 jul 1980 |
03 sep 1982 |
Lieutenant-Colonel PSC |
J. Jeunehomme |
03 sep 1982 |
26 sep 1985 |
Lieutenant-Colonel PSC |
A.De Smet |
26 sep 1985 |
11 sep 1987 |
Colonel Ir PSC |
C. Buze |
11 sep 1987 |
05 sep 1990 |
Lieutenant-Colonel |
F. Van De Weghe |
05 sep 1990 |
24 sep 1993 |
Lieutenant-Colonel PSC |
J. Dewez |
24 sep 1993 |
17 oct 1995 |
Lieutenant-Colonel PSC |
D. Adam |
17 oct 1995 |
03 avr 1998 |
Lieutenant-Colonel |
Ph. Lattaque |
03 avr 1998 |
07 jun 2001 |
Lieutenant-Colonel PSC |
A. Maes |
07 jun 2001 |
23 mai 2003 |
Lieutenant-Colonel PSC |
P. Laureys |
23 mai 2003 |
22 fev 2006 |
Lieutenant-Colonel PSC |
L. Hanset |
22 fev 2006 |
19 dec 2007 |
Lieutenant-Colonel PSC |
C. Closset |
19 dec 2007 |
28 oct 2010 |
Colonel PSC |
J-M. Vermeulen. |
28 oct 2010 |
05 sep 2013 |
Lieutenant-Colonel PSC |
V. Pierard |
05 sep 2013 |
07 oct 2015 |
Lieutenant-Colonel Ir PSC |
F. Linotte |
07 oct 2015 |
10 juil 2018 |
Lieutenant-Colonel Ir PSC |
T. Landas |
10 juil 2018 |
23 sep 2020 |
Lieutenant-Colonel PSC |
C. Van der Vorst |
23 sep 2020 |
28 sep 2022 |
Lieutenant-Colonel PSC |
J.-C. Defawes |
28 sep 2022 |
Corps Warrant officers
Warrant officer |
A Jamin |
1948-1959 |
Warrant officer |
L. Dewilde |
1959-1972 |
Chief Warrant officer |
G. Helderweirt |
1972-1980 |
Chief Warrant officer |
T. Van Mol |
1980-1981 |
Chief Warrant officer |
J. Leysen |
1981-1993 |
Warrant officer-Major |
P. Martinus |
1993-2003 |
Warrant officer-Major |
C. Fievet |
2003- 2011 |
Warrant officer-Major |
H. Lamotte |
2011-2019 |
Warrant officer-Major |
D. Colige |
2019-2023 |
Chief Warrant officer |
P. Dorval |
2023- |
Corps corporals
1st Corporal Chief | J. Mayeur | 1995-1997 |
1st Corporal Chief | Ph. Lambrette | 1997-1999 |
1st Corporal Chief | J-C. Verschaeren | 1999-2010 |
1st Corporal Chief | A. Masson | 2010-2018 |
1st Corporal Chief | L. Raison | 2018-2023 |
1st Corporal Chief | D. Robert | 2023- |