by admin7086 | Jun 14, 2022 | Non classé
The month of April is coming to an end in Rwanda, a month of intense memories and emotions throughout the country. On April 10, the Belgian Embassy under the aegis of the Defense Attaché Lieutenant-Colonel Alain Lambert organized at the Camp Kigali memorial the...
by admin7086 | Jun 14, 2022 | Non classé
On October 7, 2015, the 2nd Commando Battalion organized a handover in its barracks Slt. Thibaut de Flawinne.Lieutenant-Colonel BEM PIERARDrd transmitted the battalion to Lieutenant-Colonel BEM Frédéric LINOTTE Ir. Après cette sympathique remise de certificats la...
by admin7086 | Jun 13, 2022 | Non classé
Chambrée Reconstitution of a part of barrack room at the citadel of Namur. The genuine stove has been offered by the 4 CRI of Bourg-Léopold, undoubtedly the last in Belgium. It had to be shut off every evening at 22:00 (emptied out of its still hot ashes) and could...
by admin7086 | Jun 13, 2022 | Non classé
Lodging on campaign Tents for individual lodging on campaign, models 1956, 70 and 2000. A M56 tent. The inauguration of the Quay “Commando Regiment” Back to virtual...
by admin7086 | Jun 13, 2022 | Non classé
Illustrations Paintings or collections realised by Commandos. Sight of the corridor with its paintings Back to virtual...